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Why You Should Stop Feeding the Seagulls

Why You Should Stop Feeding the Seagulls

Feeding seagulls might seem fun, but it actually harms them. Human food lacks the vital nutrients seagulls need, leading to malnutrition and health problems. It disrupts their natural diet and foraging behaviors, causing dependency on humans and loss of...
Why You Should Love Seagulls

Why You Should Love Seagulls

Seagulls possess significant adaptability, thriving in both natural and urban environments. Their larger brains enable impressive problem-solving skills, allowing them to thrive amidst human activity. Not only are they adept scavengers, but they also play...
Are Seagulls Protected in the Us?

Are Seagulls Protected in the Us?

Seagulls are indeed protected in the United States under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. This federal law prohibits hunting, capturing, or killing seagulls without proper authorization. It helps maintain ecological balance by ensuring their habitats...
How Old Can Seagulls Live For?

How Old Can Seagulls Live For?

Seagulls, known for their adaptability, can live between 10 and 20 years in the wild. However, diverse factors such as food availability, environmental conditions, and predation heavily influence their lifespan. Urban environments and controlled...
Why Do Seagulls Live by the Sea?

Why Do Seagulls Live by the Sea?

Seagulls live by the sea because it offers abundant food sources like fish, shellfish, and even human leftovers. Beaches provide ideal materials for nesting, such as seaweed and driftwood, and the coastal environment guarantees their chicks have a...
Do Seagulls and Crows Get Along?

Do Seagulls and Crows Get Along?

Seagulls and crows often clash due to their similar habitats and scavenging diets, leading to frequent conflicts over food, especially in urban areas. Seagulls tend to dominate food sources and can initiate aggressive encounters, while crows respond...